Visit our Locations
Holden Hill, Lightsview, Woodville, Torrensville
Open 6 Days
Monday to Saturday

The Downlow on Hot Cross Buns

Nothing says Easter like hot cross buns and it seems these days as soon as boxing day arrives our shelves are flooded with them. So what is the history behind them and will they be on your plate this Easter?

How to set goals

Goals are a great way to assist with motivation, measure progress and provide satisfaction on completion. Goals can be super helpful when it comes to rehabilitation but how do we make good goals?

Christmas & New Year Opening Hours

The team at My Physio My Health would like to wish you and your a family a Merry Christmas and a safe & happy New Year!

Our Lightsview, Holden Hill and Woodville South clinics will be open between Christmas & New Year if you need our help. Please call Reception or book an appointment online.

Improve your results by completing your exercises between your physio appointments

The Importance of Home Exercises

These home exercises will be tailored to you and your recovery by your health professional after they have assessed you. These exercises will often require either no equipment, common household items or the use of a resistance band which can be purchased cheaply within the clinic.

Foam Roller Exercises

Our Physio Will is showing you some stretches using the foam roller. The foam roller is a great tool to use to get a bit of variety in your movement, especially whilst working from home.

COVID-19 Update

WE ARE BACK. If you missed a scheduled appointment due to the lockdown period, our reception staff will be in touch with you to reschedule your session. Please call us or book online to see one of our team. Mandatory COVID SAfe Check-In & Masks until further notice.

Movement is Medicine

Studies show that sitting more than 8 hours a day significantly increases your risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, obesity, cancer, depression and anxiety, as well as neck and back pain.